Don't Write Off Unsecured and Deficiency Claims—Recover Your Dollars Instead!
Unsecured and Deficiency Claims
We are ready to purchase your qualifying Chapter 7, 11, 12, or 13 claims, as well as any foreclosure deficiency claims or unsecured debts, or we can assist you in their collection.
An unsecured claim refers to a debt that lacks collateral. We can either acquire it from you or facilitate its securitization or collection.
A deficiency claim represents the remaining debt after the collateral for a loan has been sold and the proceeds have been applied to the outstanding balance. This type of claim can be significant, and we can aid you in obtaining, preserving, securitizing, collecting, or selling it.
Our approach to enhancing deficiency debt recoveries involves ensuring prompt and accurate foreclosure actions, post-judgment measures, or bankruptcy processes to protect and collect these claims. Rather than simply writing off your unsecured debts and deficiency claims, take action to recover your funds. Elevate your recovery rates for unsecured debts and deficiency claims to new heights!
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